Clean green power
Due to its intrinsic energy, pyrrhotite has the potential to replace energy currently supplied by fossil fuels such as coal natural gas.
modular, scalable
Incumbent technologies are unable to process this mineral, certainly not recover the iron, yet it is almost ubiquitous in mineral deposits
H2GM converts environmentally damaging waste into clean, carbon-energy, Green Steel valuable critical commodities..
H2 Green Metals
H2 Green Metals is a novel, cutting-edge TRL-8 extractive metals company designed to be at the heart of Green Hydrogen – Steel production, Sustainability combatting Climate Change.
A few things we’re great at
We make
1. Green Hydrogen
2. Green Steel+ other Green Metals
3. We achieve this with end to end clean sustainable technologies
Acid Regeneration
AR is the cornerstone behind solving current problem with traditional sulphate processing of mineral resources, notably “the iron problem”, prohibitive energy costs, the regeneration recycle of full-strength (35%) HCl
Hydrogen Economy
Sustainable Metals, more importantly, environmental, economic, energy-efficient metals extraction has a huge role to play in electrification the move to Net Zero. H2, along with energy metals ni, co, cu, li v are key drivers to the low-carbon future
Incumbents & Hurdles
The main drawback to wide adoption of next gen processes has been the inability to efficiently selectively recycle HCl within the flowsheet. The common methodology is still pyrohydrolysis, via spray roasting or fluid bed roasting, costly, energy-intensive, unable to selectively recover any valuable metals, generating sub-azeotropic (<20%) HCl
Disruptive Tech
With its proprietary acid regeneration process H2GM overcomes all of these issues, by being able to regenerate full strength 35% HCl, simultaneously allowing recovery of a high-purity iron product in dem at market value rather than having to be disposed of, whilst recovering valuable metals contained therein.
At present, H2GM has eight active projects wherein HCl regeneration technology has a crucial role to play. These comprise two VTM (Vanadiferous Titaniferous Magnetite) ores concentrates, a nickel laterite, EAFD (Electric Arc Furnace Dust), generation of green hydrogen from pyrrhotite tailings, the production of green metals, notably Green Steel, in conjunction with the hydrogen project, remediation of copper/cobalt tailings in Zambia, the recovery of lithium hydroxide high purity manganese sulphate from geothermal brines.
Project Partners
“None of us is as smart as all of us.”

Andritz AG

Phyla.earthPongamiaBiodiversitySustainable Metals
Expression Of Interest
“I noticed that the dynamic range between what an average person could accomplish what the best person could accomplish was 50 or 100 to 1. Given that, you’re well advised to go after the cream of the cream… A small team of A+ players can run circles around a giant team of B C players.” Steve Jobs

Bryn Harris Ph D

Carl W. White

Mike Dry Ph D

Lisa L. Deere
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